The moon has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, writers, and artists. Its soft and changing light, and its constant yet distant presence, evoke feelings of nostalgia, love, loneliness, and contemplation. In tango, for example, the moon frequently appears as a symbol of these deep and complex emotions. There are many tangos that mention it and even include it in their titles, like the famous tango “En esta noche de luna” and many others. Here are my two favorite versions of this beautiful tango:
- Pugliese & Maciel:
- María Graña:
Going back a few years… around 2009, I began studying astrology, specifically transpersonal evolutionary astrology. Not the predictive kind, but the one that helps us, like a psychologist, and gives us tools to work on our emotions, helping us understand and transform ourselves.
In astrology, the moon is fundamentally important and symbolizes various key aspects of life, mainly its emotional/instinctive side. The sign in which the moon is found tells us a lot about this emotional world, about deep emotional needs, how they are instinctive and subconscious. This is a first point to study well in the natal chart to start on the path of emotional development.
As teachers, in our teaching activities, we use the lunar phases during classes to enhance the results and flow with its energy in the most harmonious way possible. For example, during the New Moon, which symbolizes new beginnings, we generally plant a new teaching intention, a new step idea. In the Waxing Moon, we continue developing it. In the Full Moon, we reach its maximum complexity and see variations. Finally, in the Waning Moon, we relax the intensity and focus more on correction and refinement of everything already learned. This last lunar phase is characterized by much fatigue, so it is not good to start something new or do something very complicated.
Additionally, once I gain trust with the students, I usually ask them for their sun sign and, if they know it, also their ascendant and moon position. This helps me understand them better and grasp their learning needs, consequently enhancing their growth in dance.
This long text is to share with you a knowledge that is vital for me… after all, we spend our whole lives trying to be happy. And what is this if not learning to know ourselves, accept ourselves, love ourselves, and then transform our shadows from love to then understand, accept, and love others?
Moreover, perhaps now you can understand why we call the event we organize “Luna Arrabalera,” together with Sandra and Natalia, every year since 2021, in the city of Alicante.
The next LUNA ARRABALERA Meeting will be from February 20th to 23rd, 2025, and if you read this post and it’s already 2026, 2027… check the events section to know the date, or find us on Facebook @Lunaarrabaleratango or Instagram @Luna_Arrabalera_Tango (if there is still those things 😂)
Here is the link with all the information for 2025:
Haha… and don't forget to discover what tango has to tell you!
- Watch the video “El Oráculo Tanguero”
- Breathe and take a screen shot
You will discover an important phrase for you.
- Keep it and reflect on it…
I assure you it will provide a valuable lesson, both in life and in tango.
- Share the video and help cultivate a better and healthier inner world, also in the tango environment.
VIDEO Oraculo Tanguero
