Abaut us
Our history
OSCAR MANDAGARAN - Sub-champion of Argentine Malambo at the National Malambo Festival of Laborde (Córdoba) in 1989, he was born in Posadas, Misiones and began his professional career as a dancer of Argentine folk dances in 1983 first in Posadas and then at the age of 18 years in Buenos Aires where from 1990 he joined the cast of the BALLET FOLKLORICO NAIONAL directed by Norma Viola and Santiago Ayala "El Chúcaro". Together with the Ballet, between 1990 and 1996, he toured all of Argentina and several South American countries, such as Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia and Paraguay. At the same time, he was running his career at the National Institute of Argentine Folk Dances, obtaining the titles of: National Dance Teacher, Ibero-American Dance Interpreter and Research Technician in Archeology and Anthropology. Between 1990 and 1997 Oscar was also part of the cast of the best Tango shows in Buenos Aires, such as "Tango Mio", "La Ventana", "Senor Tango", "Entre Borges y Piazzolla" and worked in the film nominated for the Oscar "TANGO" by Carlos Saura.
In 1997 he integrated the original cast of "FOREVER TANGO" by Luis Bravo making his Broadway debut. With this show it is presented in the theaters of the most important cities in the world, from Japan, Korea, England, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Mexico and the United States. Along with "Forever Tango" also, in 1999, they made their debut at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires. He remained with the company until 2003, also integrating the cast of the show "MALAMBO" always by Luis Bravo, making his debut in the city of San Francisco, California.
Parallel to his career as stage tango dancers, he also developed his career as a Tango Teacher and Choreographer, teaching in the city of Buenos Aires and abroad. Owner of his own style that is highly appreciated and respected in the Tango environment among professionals and milongueros, Oscar transmits to his students all his energy and passion for Tango, teaching all the secrets of this dance, working with great precision all aspects of his technique. , its musicality, its embrace and its essence.
Throughout his entire career as a Tango Master, Oscar traveled the world giving seminars and bringing to every corner that extraordinary passion and energy that characterizes him.
GEORGINA VARGAS - Georgina Vargas, milonguera, dancer and tango singer, born in Montevideo, Uruguay, grows up between the two banks of the Ríos de la Plata. She began her studies as a ballet dancer and contemporary dance and later, in her adolescence, introduced herself to Tango through the milongas of the Buenos Aires nights. From 1999 to 2005 she lived and taught in the city of Rome, Italy, where she founded her Tango School, under the patronage of the Embassies of the Argentine Republic and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, the city from which she develops her activity as a dancer and teacher in Europe and Japan. In 2006 he recorded his first CD "Por Aquellos Tango" in Buenos Aires where he includes a characteristic tango repertoire that is very traditional, with tangos that evoke the style of the famous Uruguayan singer Nina Miranda. In 2014 she recorded her first album with Tangos, Waltzes and Milonga composed in lyrics and music by her, all with a focus on love, "Messages of love to dance". Then in 2015 he recorded his third dico "Unforgettable" with well-known songs from the tango repertoire.
In the city of Buenos Aires she could be heard on the stages of various Buenos Aires theaters, several milongas as well as Tango Dinner-Show Theaters such as "Con Sabor a Tango". She develops her talent as a singer along with dancing, managing to combine both in the same show.
Her passion as a stage dancer and Tango singer runs hand in hand with her strong vocation for teaching. Throughout her career she developed a very detailed technical work for women, with which each woman can easily show off all your femininity in her stilettos.
Oscar and Georgina, on a magical night like so many nights are in the city of Buenos Aires, Tango gave them an appointment on the track of a well porteño milonga, "Nino Bien", since then, 2006, they have traveled the world together enjoying their deep feeling and charming style loaded with poetry.
Their rapid fusion as a dance partner, with a well-defined style, allowed them to expand their talent as dancers, teachers and choreographers in different parts of the world. Tango lovers in its purity and deep essence seek to transmit it through their dance, their teaching and their artistic generosity. Owners of great sensitivity, this magnetic couple awakens a bouquet of emotions to those who look at them and are today recognized as one of the best tango couples on an international level, as can be seen from their extensive tours through numerous cities in the United States. Italy and Japan as well as being special guests of the best Tango show in Buenos Aires, "Esquina Carlos Gardel".
From 2017 to 2020 they open a Dinner-Show restaurant in the city of Posadas, Misiones, where in addition to tango shows, shows of different genres with live music and dancers are offered. It was a great experience running a restaurant for the first time, achieving great success.
Currently they are based in the city of Alicante, in Spain, the city where they teach courses and from which they travel to teach seminars and / or Shows.
Our Philosophy
In this section we want to share with you our most intimate thoughts about tango.
Tango as a form of emotional growth that expresses love.
Tango can be lived in many ways, it can be a simple hobby or it can become a way of life and become something much more profound than a simple dance.
Like life, we can live it intensely, enjoying each act or we can live running after a goal, losing sight of the enormous amount of situations that it offers us to teach us to love and express love. Tango can be transformed into a means of communication where the main and only energy that flows is love, Love with a capital A, unconditional love, it can be a form of sublime communication, a moment of full happiness.
It is not a simple dance but rather a way of life, once the love for tango was born then Tango will be in everything that surrounds us.
Once Tango enters our life, it provides us, step by step, with all the elements to continue growing, as people, like every event in our lives, it gives us the tools to learn and follow our path of happiness.
Tango as a creative expression.
There is another very fun, exciting approach to this dance which is its creative aspect. From the most playful point of view we can say that tango is an extraordinary fun where when dancing we can express all our creativity.
The continuous learning and creative possibilities that this wonderful dance offers us are endless and are directly proportional to our ability, musicality and imagination.
Dance free from the need for approval.
The way one sees and feels tango is a reflection of what one carries inside. Everything is a reflection, the way of dancing in which the main attention is to show oneself derives from the need to receive approval, a need that arises when from childhood they give us rewards for every achievement, every good thing we do, when they give us kisses and hugs every time we demonstrate a skill, that we achieve a goal instead of constantly receiving love regardless of why ... that is, they teach us that love, affection, attention always comes as a result of showing something that the observer can be able to appreciate ... this is the root by which many people seek to dance, any type of dance, they seek to show themselves in order to receive that quota of love / approval. Receiving true love is the result that comes from having expressed it. First give and then receive ... and this can be applied constantly in everything we do, simply enjoying every moment, enjoying the now and pouring all our passion into what we do without questioning, wondering, worrying about what others do to us. around they can think. If our main concern, objective was to show ourselves then we would be taking energy away from the act we do, that is, if I dance to show myself I will not be concentrated in the act of dancing and feeling, living that famous Now, pouring all my passion into dancing because that energy that I use in wanting to show myself and surprise, amaze others with what I am doing, I would be taking it away from the energy that I use in dancing. We should re-educate ourselves and learn that this need for approval represents our need for love, that we believe comes from others and that instead, it is actually something we do not need since by concentrating only and only on the now, on the dance We will be re-discovering all the love that we have and that we can express constantly, in each moment and in each situation.
It is normal to want to show ourselves because it is normal to want love, but if we could identify that need / will to want to show ourselves, without feeling guilty about it, and remember that this thought comes from the ego, from our mind built through education, and that we can replace it with a new thought: my only goal is to love what I do, express love ... love dancing, love dancing, pour all my passion into dancing! That would make us 100% happy.
Meditating with the tango
We can dance tango and live it only as a demonstration of skill, fostering competition, comparisons, judgments or we can instead live it as an expression of love, where two people connect to each other through the embrace to transform into love, and in turn these two people join the music, turning off the constant noise of thoughts by listening to the music alone, joining it, and in a room, a milonga, where several couples do the same, all dancing to the same tango beat This is how suddenly we all find ourselves united through the same feeling of love. Love unites, all other feelings separate.
Love is the universal energy that connects us to everything, unites us to each other in one mind, the mind of love, for some the mind of God.
Every time we dance a tango, a milonga or a waltz we can decide, choose from which point of view we want to do it. We can transform our dance into a precious moment of connection, union expressing love just by dancing from our connection with our mind of love.
The tango will then be a beautiful moment of meditation through which we can be in contact with our true self.
All people know how important it is to meditate for our life because through this practice we manage to stop the incessant noise of the thoughts of our mind built through the education received, from the family, from society to immerse ourselves in the peace of our true being, where there is no thought, not in the way we commonly have them, where we can feel peace, harmony, serenity from where we can project and express love, because we are living only now.
When dancing you focus and live only now, enjoying the moment, and this is the way to be at peace. Living in the now requires the presence of your feelings in the present moment, where there is no past, with grudges and pain, and no future, with fears and worries. In the moment of now there is only love, and while you are enjoying your dance you will be immersed in the love that you express through it.
A person stunned by the thoughts of this constructed mind cannot be at peace, because all the thoughts of this mind are of fear, of competition, of rancor, of worry, none of these thoughts are of love.
The traditional way of meditating requires sitting down and relaxing the mind, seeking not to have thoughts, there are those who meditate with music and others in silence. There are people who cannot meditate in this way, for those people to shut up the constructed mind is very difficult, and that is how all attempts to meditate fail. Each one finds in his life passions in which to pour all love, with which to express all his love and all of them are a form of meditation.
Using tango as meditation requires only your intention to want to transform it and use it for that purpose, to connect with your mind of love to express love. So when you are on the dance floor of a milonga, when you are sitting at a table watching people dance, when you are in a class learning you should only remember why you are there dancing, you should remember that your true purpose is to express love. and to be at peace! Do not let your peace be altered by arrogant thoughts, of comparison, by judgments, criticism towards others or towards yourself. This would be wasting a moment of happiness!
All the steps that you use to dance the tango, all the steps that you see others do, all the steps that you learn are like different types of music with which to do your meditation and at the same time they are also the musical instrument that allows you to join. the music that you are dancing to. The steps are the vehicle for you to relax your built mind, full of thoughts and to locate your attention only in the movement, the connection and the music. So you will have already done the first step of all the meditations, not thinking. Not thinking is the way to free yourself from those thoughts that bring you suffering so that you can begin to look and feel from the peace of your true being, from your mind of love.
All the movements, steps that you choose to be able to dance and meditate have to be movements with which you feel comfortable, with which you feel that you can relax your mind, and that the body memory is the one that performs the movement. Of course, this is not achieved overnight, it requires training, as does learning to meditate. Studying steps then has to have this purpose and the comfort of the same is achieved when during the learning we concentrate on the technique of movement. Balance and quality of movement are necessary to unite tango and meditation, the amount of movements, of steps, is irrelevant, you could dance just choosing some of them and you would already be achieving the main objective of dancing expressing love and feeling peace. The steps are like a dress, a suit that you will use to hug a person, unite with love to him / her and expand your peace to the world around you, you just have to choose with which dress or suit you will hug. Your choice, then, should be to use your body to express love through dance, tango. Your constructed mind thinks that when dancing tango love and sex are united, but if you only realized how false this is, you could allow yourself to release more love. Your constructed mind perceives love as a weakness because the strength and truth of love would nullify the mind that generates suffering and for that reason, by connecting tango to sex you will be attacking your possibility of loving freely. Seen with the eyes of the soul, sex is a celebration of pure love between two people and the sensuality of Tango is not connected to sex, the sensuality of Tango derives only from the desire to satisfy the need to love, seeing sensuality in tango is see our desire to love and express it in that way, dancing the Tango!
So without judging the dance level, without judging the dance style, you should just remember to dance each measure of the tango from love, from pure love, transforming each dance into a moment of meditation!
We are love and only that is what we must express! Remember this to each Tango and always and as a gift you will have Peace!
Live Tango from our Ego or from our True Being, love.
If people were not dominated by their egos, they would realize that there is a super simple way, we could say minimalist, to be able to dance tango, and that this way would lead them to enjoy Tango more quickly and much, much easier. But of course the easy things do not like the ego! And that is why years and years are spent trying to learn things that are very complicated even for the most expert dancers. They could focus 80% on the technical part of this dance and 20% on the steps and that short period of time dedicated to learning steps would be more than enough to learn the steps necessary to be able to dance while thanks to that 80% of time dedicated to the technical aspect of dance, I would provide them with everything they need to make that 20% of the steps learned comfortable, musical and full of passion, energy and connection!
Unfortunately their egos dominate them and they prefer to spend years learning steps and steps and more steps because they feel that it is never enough, that none of those steps provide them happiness, connection with their partner, with music. That is the motto of the ego, "seek but you will not find" so the search continues and we never get to anything but more search.
The dance steps are nothing more than a means with which to move to the rhythm of the music, in connection with the couple, but in the hands of the ego they are transformed into a means to show off and impose our superiority, to seek to be special. Once we have fallen into that trap that will only provide frustration, we have no choice but to continue learning more and more steps through which we can show our skills and feel superior. But frustration, discontent, discomfort will be the order of the day at each dance. In this way we miss the great possibility that Tango offers us, the extraordinary possibility of being happy, transforming this dance into a moment of meditation that leads us to free ourselves from our identification with the ego and to be able to express pure love all around us. How can we express love by dancing? When at the moment of dancing we are focused only on the dance, without thinking about who is looking at us and what they think, and we are really pouring all our passion into it, connected with our being, our partner and the music then we will be releasing love, expressing love , we will be happy. Getting rid of the ego when dancing means getting rid of the only obstacle that prevents us from being happy dancing.
Why is technique in this dance so important?
Because it is the way to know oneself, the way to know how to move the body, studying its mechanism in order to be able to dance with another person, united in an embrace that compromises the bodies to the maximum, where each one must know each other well, know your body to be able to follow the other or make them follow you. It is not a free dance, where we freely move alone with the music. It is a dance where the quality of a person's movement benefits the dancer and his partner, the knowledge of how to move the body is so essential to be able to dance that without it everything becomes complicated and almost impossible, everything will feel uncomfortable, the steps they will be very difficult to learn and hence the ego uses that failure to propel you in a continuous search for steps so that through some of them you can achieve pleasure ... and again, the simple is not a challenge for the ego and studying the technique is something so simple, that you only require practice that is not interesting. The learning time of a person focused on the technique is greatly reduced and very quickly he manages to enjoy all the benefits of Tango. Of course, this requires silencing the ego, because when you start practicing the technique there will be a voice in your head that tells you: "Can't you see you're not dancing! You're an idiot practicing these stupid movements! Don't go on with this! Go dancing ! " Or you could also say: "even this idiot does not work out for you, how do you intend to learn to dance ... can't you see that this is not for you? Stop dancing!"
If this happens, and it always happens, all we have to do is not listen to that voice, know that it is the voice of the ego and continue with what we are doing, not make judgments! The only correct judgment will be the one we will make to see if we have an axis or not, if our body manages to be comfortable and at the same time in balance, relaxed but in a dance position ... nothing more, then continue practicing and practicing and practicing, without judging ourselves or judging, concentrating only on what we do, and enjoying the practice.
The continuous and constant mistake that we make all day is precisely that of making judgments, that of comparing and comparing ourselves and that clearly denotes that we are identified with the ego and therefore that it guides us. During the dance we do the same: we judge and compare! And so, being in the hands of the ego, the dance is a torture, an effort, discouragement, frustration arises or for others through Tango it is put in a position of total superiority, where they believe Gods, where they believe they are special compared with others, and measure your abilities and achievements with others. Neither the one nor the other, nor the frustrated nor the Gods of Tango will be really enjoying Tango, they will not be united to anyone, not to themselves, to their true being, or to their partner or to the music, they will see each other separated and as such, like lonely, unprotected bushes, and thus fear will arise, fear of not being able to dance or fear of losing their ability to dance or that someone more skilled will arrive ... in short, only fears.
What are we using tango? Are we living it through the eyes of the ego or our true selves?
It's very easy to tell, just by answering these two questions:
Do you feel that when you dance you enter a world where there are only smiles, peace and full of love?
Or, instead, Do you feel discouraged, frustrated or the opposite, proud and with a surprising, unique ability?
It is clear that a Yes to the first question would be what would make you notice that you are living tango from your true being and a yes to the second that you are living it from your ego.
This would be the only correct judgment, knowing how to identify with whom we are identifying in our life, in our dance, with the ego or with our true being.
Express love and have fun - our only goals.
Growth is something that occurs naturally in our lives, just think about how our bodies grow and develop, animals etc ...
There is a forced growth and a natural one, the forced one arises when we impose something on ourselves, a goal an objective, such as: "I want to dance one day as such a person ... I want to be an extraordinary dancer ... I want to be asked to dance many men ... I want all women to want to dance with me ... This forced growth is the result of our identification with the thoughts of the ego who cannot do anything without having a goal, without a goal, without a dream to realize and It makes you believe that you can achieve it, and perhaps if you really achieve it, but at what price, with what suffering? Then at the top there will be another higher peak and you will always feel empty, with the feeling that that is not enough, You will begin to blame yourself or others for not achieving your goals: it is the fault of your partner, your teachers, that you do not have time, money to learn, that you are very clumsy ... thousands and thousands of possible culprits.
Natural growth is the one that occurs without you realizing it, without effort, you practice, practice and practice in absolute peace until one day you go out to dance a tango and at the end of the session you are left with that feeling of peace, tranquility, in perfect union with everything that surrounds you and then your love is released and they can express it. Practice without judging, without criticizing yourself without comparing yourself, just totally focused on the movement and the music, and if the judgments appear, that they will appear, we will simply ignore them because we know that it comes from the ego and not from our true mind. The only correct judgment when practicing will be to apply the correct technique, the one that makes us control our balance and focusing our attention only on this and we will grow naturally. Perhaps we will be exceptional dancers, achieving success, whether it is international recognition or the fact that everyone wants to dance with us but that will be the result of a natural growth, you will have arrived there without realizing it, so you should continue, not considering that result , not looking at it with the eyes of the ego, just enjoying it! If you were a successful dancer you would have more people around you with whom to share your dances, your teaching, nothing else but that is all and above all it would make you 100% happy.
If instead you suddenly woke up in the cradle of success and began to identify with your ego, this would mean the birth of fears that suddenly began to arise, the fear of losing that success or perhaps you could also begin to fill yourself with ambitions, wanting more success, and then you would be in an endless search again, there are several options that the ego offers you to continue moving through life without living it, to continue dancing without ever fully enjoying the dance.
So quite simply our only goals in dancing is to express love and have fun.