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The terms "milonguero" and "tanguero" are used to describe two different approaches to dancing this musical genre.


The Milonguero.

- The milonguero style is characterized by a more compact and closed dance. The steps are smaller, and the dancers tend to stay in a reduced space, developing their dance with movements that require less space and that respect very well the sense of the line of dance and the other couples.

- Closeness: Milonguero dancers dance in a more closed position, with a closer connection between the man and the woman (or leader and follower). The idea is to maintain an intimate connection and enjoy the dance in a more limited space. This embrace prioritizes connection, emotion and musicality; for a milonguero it is preferable to do less but with more musicality and connection.

- Music: Milongueros tend to dance in a way that is more focused on connecting with the partner and interpreting the music often following the rhythm more precisely and using musical phrasing from time to time.

2. THE Tanguero

- The term "tanguero" may refer to a broader and more varied approach to tango, which may include different dance styles and techniques. In this sense, a tanguero is not necessarily limited to a specific style, but can adapt to different styles of tango dance, such as salon tango, stage, canyengue, fantasia and so on.

- Variety of Steps: Tangueros can incorporate a wider range of steps and movements in their dance. They can move around the ballroom more expansively and experiment with different figures and embellishments. This demands greater technique, body awareness of their own and their partner's movements, more ability to control the space and to be able to interpret a variety of figures in different musical styles.

- Adaptability: Unlike milongueros, tangueros can adapt their style according to the music and the situation, exploring different dance dynamics, therefore they can also do a strictly milonguero dance. From a musical point of view, they can move from a more rhythmic style to a more romantic one where phrasing is used, and they have a greater capacity to change their dance form according to the orchestra they play, carefully choosing the steps that best suit them.

In short, the main difference lies in the approach to the dance and the connection between the dancers. Milongueros tend to dance in a more closed and concentrated manner, while tangueros can embrace a wider range of styles and movements, adapting to various situations and styles of tango music.

Here is a video dancing in Paris, at Sensation Milonga, where we currently (2024) give classes every Thursday and Saturday. You can notice a more milonguero dance, although clearly being dancers we can express ourselves with more figures always respecting the line of dance and the other couples.

Here is a video where you can see an improvised tango, but that already includes more figures and change of embrace, going from a more closed embrace to a more open embrace that allows more expressiveness in the movement. This is more tanguero.

In this last video you can see us dancing on stage, with our style of show, on the floor style (no jumps).

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