Milonguear...what a word so often used in the tango environment, isn't it?
Let's see these definitions:
Milonga: type of music;
Milonga: the physical space where tango, milonga and waltz are danced;
Milonguero: let's summarize by saying that it is someone who goes to the milonga frequently (there is a whole article in the blog dedicated to this term);
Milonguear: verb that arose spontaneously in the tango environment which means the fact of dancing tango, milonga or waltz within a specific framework, that is to say in "la milonga".
Maybe it sounds strange but learning to dance tango requires a very precise approach at the moment of learning to go to milonguear, to go to dance in a milonga.
It is not the same to learn to dance tango than to learn to milonguear...maybe for some it is the same, but it is not for those of us who constantly see the problems that arise in the milongas, in the spaces where tango is danced in a social way.
From a didactic point of view it changes the approach, or at least it should be, although unfortunately it doesn't always happen.
So when you are going to learn to dance tango, you who are learning, you should ask yourself: why do I want to learn?
Do you want to dance at home? Do you want to dance as a physical/mental exercise? Do you want to dance for your friends and family? Do you want to do a show? Do you want to compete?
Or do you want to learn to dance to enjoy dancing with other people going to a milonga?
According to your answer will be your path and your priorities at the moment of learning.
So if you want to "milonguear" prioritize a certain type of approach:
choose the steps that are more adapted to the milongas (physical space);
choose movements that are safe for the people around you as you must share a dance space with others;
choose movements made with a clear leading so that your language is understood by another person (who usually does not know you);
take care of your posture and your technique, especially the fundamental movements, so that your movements are light and do not harm your partner by creating unnecessary pain;
give priority to the correct navigation of the dance floor when choosing your steps and pay attention to the "traffic" codes;
learn musicality so that your dance is not boring, it is not about doing thousands of figures, but to be musical with what you already how to do;
quality is always better than quantity, a milonguero spends many hours dancing and the quality of his movements is essential for the health of his body;
listen to your partner, social dancing should prioritize the pleasure of both of you;
a good grooming, perfume, and a mint in your mouth will always make your partner happy;
learn to use the language of "nodding" (cabeceo).
So if you want to go to milongaar already know how...

Picture from the Tango Meeting Luna Arrabalera 2024
Video of us "milongueando" at the Luna Arrabalera 2024