Life is a milonga! Dance all, comrades, because dancing is a hug.
E. Cadicamo
March 4-5-6 2022
3 days
5 milongas
6 lessons
in a great 4 stars HOTEL in ALICANTE, Spain

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It is my great pleasure to be acquainted with Oscar & Georgina. They are my greatest examples as dancers and teachers. It is through their workshops, private lessons, and DVD's that I have grown the most in my understanding of the fundamentals, both technical and spiritual, of the Argentine Tango. Their love and passion for the dance is evident and contagious. As teachers they instinctively know what their students need, and they are always kind and gentle in their corrections, even though as they say, there is "no vacation" from practicing. When Oscar & Georgina are teaching a class, everyone's eyes and ears are focused on them one hundred percent, because aside from being excellent teachers, they have warm and charismatic personalities.
As dancers and performers, they are who I look to for inspiration, as they dance perfectly and passionately as one. I feel fortunate to own all of their instructional DVD's, which are the most visually beautiful and artistic of all the DVD's I own, and I own a lot of instructional DVDs! Aside from being a visual treat, these DVD's are packed with extremely useful information, which can be referred to again and again. There is a treasure trove of information in them, including bonus sections of exercises and inspiring dance demonstrations, and I recommend them to anyone who is serious about furthering their tango dancing!
-- Rebeca.
Dancer and teacher, Sacramento, California, USA