Danceable figures for the three rhythms: tango, waltz and milonga Discover the secrets of musicality and its connection with the application of the movement technique so that you can quickly enjoy the three musical rhythms on the track. This DVD is dedicated to all those who want to quickly learn the tango, the waltz and the milonga to be able to go out on the dance floor feeling safe in the three rhythms in the same way and for teachers who wish to continue with the teaching method of Oscar and Georgina giving her students the possibility of learning from an early beginning to dance the three musical rhythms.
For a better result we advise the previous study of the DVD "Tango and Basic Fundamentals". You can continue studying any of the other DVDs, "The collection of Buenos Aires", "The Rhythmic and Romantic Style", "The Twists" and in turn to continue to perfect the technique it would be good to complement with the study of the videos "Oscar & Georgina The Secrets 1 and 2".
CHAPTERS included:
-Stumbling technique
-Musicality of Tango
-Musicality of the Milonga
-Musicality of the Waltz
1- Square and single base on time and double time
2- Basic setbacks, square and simple basic step with setbacks
3- Simple walk with stumbles and side run with variant
4- Rhythmic eights with stumbles and variations
5- Deep forward eight with zig zag in both directions
6- Zig zag in line of dance and final accommodation
7- Typical rotated displacement and variant
8- Swinging of eights and linear and twisted stumbling
9- Rhythmic linear and rotated displacement
10- Rhythmic Passage from Left to Right and Turned Combination
11- Typical eight cut to time, double time and its variants
12- Different beginnings and resolution of the eight cut
13- Half moon from left to right and combination
Danceable figures for the three rhythms: tango, waltz and milonga. Discover the secrets of musicality and its connection with the movement's technique so that you can quickly enjoy on the dance floor dancing the three musical rhythms. This DVD is dedicated to all those who want to quickly learn tango, waltz and milonga and to be able to go out on the dance floor feeling secure in all three rhythms in the same way and for teachers who wish to continue with the teaching method of Oscar and Georgina giving their students the possibility of learning from an early start to dance the three musical rhythms.
For a better result we recommend the previous study of the DVD "Tango and Basic Fundamentals". You can continue studying with any of the other DVDs, "The Buenos Aires Collection", "The Rhythmic and Romantic Styles", "Los Giros" and in to continue perfecting the technique it would be good to complement with the study of the videos " Oscar & Georgina´s Secrets 1 and 2 ".
CHAPTERS included:
Traspie technique
Musicality of Tango
Musicality of Milonga
Musicality of waltz
Figures for Tango - Vals - Milonga
1.- Square and simple basic to the beat and double beat
2.- Basic traspie, square and simple basic with traspie
3.- Simple paseo (walking) with traspies, lateral corridas and variation
4.- Rhythmic ochitos with traspies and variation
5.- Deep forward eight in zigzag mode in both directions
6.- Zigzag in the line of dance with final positioning
7.- Traditional shifting with turn and variation
8.- Vaiven (rocksteps) with eights and linear and turning traspies
9.- Rhythmic shifting linear but swiveled 1:04:01
10.- Rhythmic passage from left to right and a turning combination
11.- Classic eight cut to the beat and double beat with variations
12.- Different ways to begin and finish the cut eight
13.- Crescent from left to rigth with combination
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